I certify that the information provided in this Application for Employment is true, correct and complete. If employed, any misstatement or omission of material fact on this application will result in my immediate dismissal. I authorize all persons, schools, companies, corporations credit bureaus, government agencies, or an other party to release information concerning my background which may include, but is not limited to, criminal, credit, driver’s records, so long as not prohibited by law and the requests are job related.
I further agree to submit to alcohol and/or drug screening tests, if requested of me, at any time prior to (only drug screens will be administered pre-employment), or during my employment in accordance with applicable law, and I further understand and consent to the results of said tests being communicated to the Company. I further understand that no one, other than the President of the Company, in writing, has the authority to enter into an employment agreement with me that differs from that which is outlined here, and that if I should become employed by the Company that the employment relationship is “at will” and can be terminated by either party without cause.
I further understand that this application for employment will remain “active” for thirty (30) days from today’s date. If I still desire a position with the Company, it will be my responsibility to fill out a new application and file it with the Company after that period expires.